
Model: Rio IP

Moč: 1,5 kW
Barve: črna / bela / srebrna
Mere: 390 x 100 x 155 mm


Ideal for:
Conservatories, Summerhouses, Patios, Terraces,  Swimming Pools, Spas, Reception Areas, Amusement Parks, Smoking Areas, Bars, Restaurants, Workshops, Garages, Golf Areas and many more.

tansun 25 years

 Rio IP

Model: Rio Grande IP
Moč: 2 kW
Barve: črna / bela / srebrna
Mere:560 x 112 x 160 mm


Ideal for:
Bars, Restaurants, Conservatories, Patios, Terraces, Reception Halls, Smoking Areas, Swimming Pool, Spas, Summerhouses, Bowling Alleys, Sport Stadiums, Warehouses, Dance Halls, and many more.

tansun 25 years

 Rio Grande

Model: Rio Grande IP z lučmi
Moč: 2 kW
Barve: bela / srebrna
Mere:660 x 112 x 160 mm


Ideal for:
Bars, Restaurants, Conservatories, Patios, Terraces, Reception Halls, Smoking Areas, Swimming Pools, Spas, Summerhouses, Marquees, Awnings, Barbeque Areas, Sport Areas, Manufacturing Areas, Warehouses, Amusement Parks and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Apollo
Moč: 1 - 12 kW
Barve: črna
Mere: 420 x 225 x 115 mm do 1280 x 225 x 115 mm


Ideal for:
Aircraft Hangars, Amusement Parks, Building and Construction, Factories and Warehouse, Farming and Horticulture, Garages and Workshops, Golf Driving Ranges, Halls, Places of Worship, Process Heating, Reception Areas, Schools, Colleges and Universities, Shops, Sports Halls, Swimming Pools and Spas, Zoos and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Ibiza
Moč: 1 kW / 2 kW
Barve: srebrna
Mere: 400 x 140 x 120 mm


Ideal for:
Building and Construction, Farming, Horticulture, Garages, Workshops, Factories, Warehouses, Golf Driving Ranges, Sheds, Schools, Colleges, Shops, Sports Halls, Zoos, Car Repair and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Sorrento IP
Moč: 1 x 1,5 kW / 1 x 2 kW / 2 x 1,5 kW / 3 x 1,5 kW
Barve: črna / bela / srebrna
enojni: 430 x 228 x 323 mm
dvojni: 815 x 228 x 323 mm
trojni: 1202 x 228 x 323 mm


Ideal for:
Sports Halls, Smoking Areas, Conservatories, Churches, Farming, Horticulture, Reception Areas, Retail Outlets, Zoos, Garages, Workshops, Factories, Warehouses, Patios, Terraces, Aircraft Hangars, Amusement Parks, Bars and Restaurants, Schools and Colleges and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Beaver
Moč: 3 kW
Barve: rdeča
Mere: 650 x 430 x 200 mm


Ideal for:
Boat Yards (osmosis treatment and antifoul drying), Body Shops, Building and construction, Emergency Heating, Factories and Warehouses, Garages and Workshops, Helps De-humidification, Offices, Paint and Plaster Drying and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Spotter
Moč: 3 kW
Barve: rdeča
Mere: 650 x 1140 x 650 mm


Ideal for:
Boat Yards (Osmosis Treatment and antifoul Drying), Bodyshops, Building and Construction, Emergency Heating, Factories and Warehouses, Garages and Workshops, Helps De-humidification, Paint Curing, Paint and Plaster Drying and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Carnival
Moč: 0,75 kW
Barve: srebrna
Mere: 275 x 100 x 108 mm


Ideal for:
Small Balconies, Boats, Camping Sites, Motorhomes, Conservatories, Patios and Terraces (under cover), Pets, Marquees, Domestic Areas and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Sorrento Target IP
Moč: 3 kW
Barve: rumeno črna
Mere: 430 x 646 x 504 mm


Ideal for:
Paint & plaster Drying, Warehouses, Commercial garages, Building Sites, Churches and community halls, Greenhouses and Sheds, Camping Sites and holiday park homes, Emergency heating, Frost protection and de-icing, Condensation avoidance, Paint curing, osmosis treatment, Boat Yards, Helps de-humidification, Factories, Mobile Heating, Bodyshops, Garages & workshops and many more.

tansun 25 years

Sorrento Target

Model: Riviera IP
Moč: 3 x 1,5 kW / 3 x 2 kW
Barve: črna / bela / srebrna
Mere: 1020 x 2500 x 890 mm


Ideal for:
Bars and Restaurants, Patio and Terraces, Smoking areas, Swimming Pools and spas, Train Stations, Pub Outdoor areas, Private gardens, Theme parks, Hotels, Skiing Resorts, Cafes, Catering, Shopping centers, and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Sorrento Ceramic
Moč: 1,3 kW / 2,6 kW
Barve: bela
enojni: 430 x 228 x 323 mm
dvojni: 815 x 228 x 323 mm
trojni: 1202 x 228 x 323 mm


Ideal for:
Food Preparation, Frost Protection, Halls, Horticulture, Hospitals, Print Workshops, Reception Areas, Lecture/conference Halls, Schools and Colleges, Shops, Sports Halls, Theatres, Zoos, Photography and Film Studios, and many more.

tansun 25 years


Model: Hot Table
Moč: 1,5 kW
Barve: plošča iz kaljenega črnega stekla
Fi 650 x 750 mm

Fi 650 x 1050 mm



Ideal for:
Infrarotwärme mit Tiefenwirkung
erzeugt komfortabel eine angenehme Wärme.
Geräuschlos, sicher und ohne störende
Gerüche. Zielgerichtet genau dort, wo
schnelle Wärme gebraucht wird. Die unterschiedlichen
Modelle eignen sich für viele
Einsatzbereiche. Die Leistungsaufnahme
der Tische passt sich automatisch der Umgebungstemperatur
an. HotTable ist ein
patentiertes Produkt und in zwei Versionen
erhältlich. HotTable Bistrotisch Madrid und
HotTable Stehtisch Sydney.


 Vse fotografije so simbolične.





EKP 2014 2020

Piškotke uporabljamo za izboljšanje naše spletne strani in vaše izkušnje. Piškotki se uporabljajo za nujno delovanje spletne strani. Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate s piškotki. Vec o piskotkih....

Strinjam se z uporabo piskotkov.